Dashboards - Option to save metrics/filters for an integration dashboard

Mikel - AgencyAnalytics Team
- An option to save filters applied to an integration's dashboard. Currently, we reset the slideout settings when a user hops out of that dashboard.
- Apply an integration dashboard settings across the account
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Luke Burrell
This vs that. I dont understand why I cannot have it stay on weekly or daily to get a clear indication on results. The later (automatic) is useless.
Luke Burrell
Super disappointing. I was doing a trial and found this issue. I would set data interval to daily but it kept switching back to automatic. I can't imagine why its been designed this way nor resolved. Its a deal breaker for me. I might come back once its resolved.

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Luke Burrell: Thank you for your comment. We understand your frustration, and want to let you know that our team is aware of this request to allow saving settings on integration dashboards.
In the meantime, there is a workaround that might help. If you create a custom dashboard or report and add your widgets, you can change the Date Interval from Automatic to Daily, and once saved, the settings will be retained. This way, your graph will always display daily data. Please note that this will only apply to custom dashboards and reports.
Please find below an article explaining how to add widgets to your custom dashboards. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our Support team is available 24h on weekdays.
We hope this helps, and we appreciate your patience!

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Integration Dashboards - Ability to set view for client users
Rose Seet
Customer wants to be able to use the integration dashboards to present data instead of custom dashboards and reports. They require the ability to set the view (choose specific metrics) for clients viewing the integration dashboard.

David - AgencyAnalytics Team

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Save filters on all Integrations dashboards
Christelle Jason
Currently, the filters applied to some integration dashboards (Google Ads for example) are retained when navigating away from the page, while the filters applied to other Integration dashboards (Google Search Console, for example) are not saved and need to be re-applied each time the page is loaded.
Oren Gargir
Oren Gargir
under consideration

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Google Analytics - Option to save filters on the GA dashboard.

Mikel - AgencyAnalytics Team
- Currently, it resets every time you load the page.

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Facebook Ads - Allow users to save filters as their preset.

Mikel - AgencyAnalytics Team
- Whenever you switch to a different dashboard, the Attribution setting filter and campaign filter get reset.

David - AgencyAnalytics Team
Merged in a post:
Unbounce - Save filter settings on dashboard

AgencyAnalytics Team
- Ability to have the settings save vs. revert back to defaults on refreshing published vs unpublished metrics.
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