Twilio - Add a 'To- Phone Number' filter
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Rob Lewis
I'd also like the ability to aggregate the numbers. I have 3 numbers per campaign, one for each lead source (Google, Bing, Etc...) and I have to make 3 separate pages for the phone numbers. Hard to follow from a report perspective.
And, I LOVE THIS FEATURE. THANK YOU! Been hoping you'd come up with a solution to my issues and this allows me to show the value to my clients.
Jay Patel
Is this an issue with all the voters? Please let me know so that I can add you guys for the upcoming update when this gets resolved.
Brandie Lamprou
Hey so this is working except that when I create the filter to display the specific Twilio number in the Dashboard, the filter will not stay. It keeps defaulting back to displaying our full account of Twilio numbers. Because of this, I am unable to create a dashboard per client with their calls. I need the ability for it to keep the filter I have set in their individual dashboard and I need it to stay unchanged. Can that be done?
Jay Patel
Brandie Lamprou: Hi Brandie, I have engineering team looking into this. Thank you for letting us know.
Jay Patel
Jay Patel
Jay Patel
in progress