We've just added the ability to connect up to 50 Google My Business listings, as well as adding new and improved CallRail metrics!
Here is the list of new CallRail metrics:
AI Tags: Top tags, tags by traffic source, tags for device (This may be completed already)
Unique calls metric
"Qualified" calls / Qualified Leads metric
Average Call Length
"Performance Dashboard" - CallRail reports how many new calls were generated last month, bounce rate, etc.
Lead Status metric (previously complete)
Keywords data (previously complete)
~ 'Total Quotable' or equivalent
Individual Call Value (In Table Only)
Forms metrics:
"Qualified" forms/leads +1
First Time Form Submissions
Fillouts +1
Filter by CallRail tags (previously complete)
Filter by all other metrics (ie: first time callers, location, device, keywords, source type, etc.).
Request for support filtering by Source, when CallRail's API does support it.
Ability to filter by a given phone number in the main integration screen as well as the dashboard and report widgets. For example, many agencies have a phone number for Google Ads, one for GMB etc.
Calls by day and time (chart/filter)
Calls by hour
Download Calls / Url in Table (previously complete)
Recording URL in XLS export (previously complete)